Catch A Tigerfish
a tiger fishing safari to the zambezi that'll suit the entire family
"We fish for different reasons but when the line tightens, we all feel the same. It is a search, not just for fish, but for all of the important things in life. For family and friends, for tradition, for tranquillity, for conservation and for competition. And ultimately, somehow all of us seem to find what we are looking for." - Rapala, The Search
"My passion for the Zambezi though, pales into insignificance when compared to that of one James Blevin. James penned an article on the use of Circle hooks when bait fishing for tigerfish (see Vol.25 No.2) as, when used properly, they generally reduce the incidence of throat and gut hooked fish enabling better release. Last year, he and his (now) wife camped in a tent at Chewore Campsite for six weeks! Fishing from sun up to sun down, he thrashed the river to a froth in almost exclusive pursuit of the ultimate double-digit tiger - the 20 pounder. He was back there again during this visit - poor, long suffering Sammy at his side - running hither and thither in his quest. I do think Sammy loves what they do, though being a mere mortal like most of us, she would probably enjoy a few less hours on the river in the Zambezi’s baking 40 degree heat (they were averaging 10-12 hours a day!)." - Ant Williams
A perennial issue with fishing trips is that they do not provide enough variety for everyone in the family. Enter the Lower Zambezi where a world-class fishery is complemented by abundant wildlife and birdlife, making this location a genuine theatre of dreams. Days here are spent in pursuit of that magical photograph, the Big Five (less rhino) and the mighty and venerable tigerfish. To put it simply, nowhere else can you plot against one of Africa's great fighters and expect to have members of the Big Five as spectators.
SAMPLE itinerary - 8 days
the experience in three minutes...
James Blevin